This new whitefly is a large, slow-moving insect capable of infesting a wide range of landscape plants such as: Gumbo Limbo, White Bird of Paradise, Mango, Black Olive, Palms, Copperleaf, Cocoplum, Wax Myrtle.
This whitefly is different from the Ficus Whitefly. So far, the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly is not causing severe plant damage such as plant death or severe branch die back.
This insect is very easy to identify. White spirals and a white waxy substance builds-up on the underside of leaves. Heavy infestation can sometimes weaken plants and disfigure infective plants and understory plants with Black Sooty Mold that grows on the insect’s excrement, also known as Honeydew. The sticky Honeydew can accumulate on cars, pool decks and patio furniture. Once the insect is under control, the Sooty Mold and Honeydew will disappear.
Whitefly Management:
Small Plants - thoroughly wash plants off with a strong stream of water. Follow-up with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil sprayed once a week for 3 to 4 weeks. Repeat as needed.
Larger plants and ornamental trees; heavily infested ornamental plants - thoroughly wash plants or for the strong stream of water. Systemic insecticides can be applied as a soil drench, trunk injection, as a granule or as a tablet. Systemics may take several weeks to be effective for large trees and palms. However, systemics of very long-lasting (9 to 12 months).
Trunk injection is the most effective alternative to spraying or soil applying pesticides for tree insect or pest-control. Unlike spraying or soil applications, trunk injection injects formulations directly inside the tree or Palm.
Fruit trees - must be treated in the same way that small plants are treated. Grant's Gardens, Inc. does not recommend the use of insecticides and pesticides on edible crops.
Please call Grant's Gardens, Inc. for a consultation.
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